Subject Verb Agreement Mcq with Answers Pdf

Subject verb agreement is an essential aspect of grammar that writers need to master to convey their message effectively. The rule of subject verb agreement states that the subject and verb in a sentence must agree in number. In other words, if the subject is singular, the verb must be singular as well. Similarly, if the subject is plural, the verb must also be plural.

To help writers and students understand subject verb agreement better, we have compiled a set of multiple-choice questions with answers in a PDF format. The questions cover various types of sentences, such as simple sentences, compound sentences, and complex sentences. They also cover different tenses, including present, past, and future.

Here are some examples of the questions you can expect in the PDF:

1. Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence:

The dogs (barks, bark) at the mailman every morning.

Answer: bark

Explanation: The subject „dogs” is plural, so the verb must also be plural, which is „bark.”

2. Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence:

The book on the shelf (is, are) mine.

Answer: is

Explanation: The subject „book” is singular, so the verb must also be singular, which is „is.”

3. Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence:

Neither the teacher nor the students (has, have) arrived yet.

Answer: have

Explanation: The subject „teacher” is singular, and „students” is plural. When there are two subjects connected by „or” or „nor,” the verb agrees with the subject closest to it. In this case, the closest subject to the verb is „students,” which is plural, so the verb must also be plural, which is „have.”

4. Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence:

The company`s profits (has, have) increased by 20% this year.

Answer: have

Explanation: The subject „profits” is plural, so the verb must also be plural, which is „have.”

By practicing these multiple-choice questions, writers and students can improve their understanding of subject verb agreement and avoid common errors that can affect the clarity of their writing. Download our „subject verb agreement mcq with answers pdf” and take the first step to mastering this essential aspect of grammar.

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