Partnership and Facilities Time Agreement 2014

Partnership and Facilities Time Agreement 2014: A Comprehensive Guide

In 2014, the government introduced the Partnership and Facilities Time Agreement as part of its efforts to improve the delivery of public services. The agreement aimed to enhance the relationship between employers and employees and ensure that employees are supported in the workplace. This article provides an overview of the Partnership and Facilities Time Agreement 2014 and its impact on employees and employers.

What is the Partnership and Facilities Time Agreement?

The Partnership and Facilities Time Agreement is a document that outlines the partnership working arrangements between employers and employees. It sets out the framework for how staff and management work together to deliver public services. The Agreement also provides guidance on how employees can access facilities time (paid time off) to undertake trade union duties and activities.

The Agreement applies to all public sector employees in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, including civil servants, local government employees, and NHS staff. It recognises the value of employee engagement, consultation, and negotiation in improving service delivery and making public services more responsive to the needs of their users.

Facilities Time

The Agreement recognises the importance of facilities time, which is the paid time off that employees can take to undertake trade union duties and activities. Trade union activities can include representation of employees, consultation with management, and negotiation of terms and conditions of employment. Facilities time can also be used for training and development activities that support employee and organisational development.

The Partnership and Facilities Time Agreement 2014 sets out the maximum level of facilities time that employees can take. This is based on the size of the workforce and the type of organisation. For example, in a large organisation with over 5,000 employees, the maximum facilities time allowance is 0.1% of the total workforce. In a smaller organisation with fewer than 50 employees, the maximum facilities time allowance is 1.5 days per year per union representative.

Partnership Working

The Partnership and Facilities Time Agreement also outlines the principles of partnership working between employers and employees. Partnership working aims to improve service delivery and create a positive and inclusive workplace culture. The Partnership and Facilities Time Agreement recognises that partnership working requires a commitment from both employers and employees and that it is essential to have good communication and consultation mechanisms in place.

The Agreement sets out the key elements of partnership working, including:

– Joint working to improve service delivery

– Regular dialogue between employers and employees

– Joint problem-solving to resolve workplace issues

– Collaboration to enhance employee engagement and wellbeing

– Appropriate consultation mechanisms for workforce issues

Employer Commitments

The Partnership and Facilities Time Agreement requires employers to make a commitment to partnership working and to support employees in accessing facilities time. Employers are encouraged to develop partnership arrangements with trade unions that are based on mutual trust and respect. This includes providing facilities for union activities and ensuring that employees are aware of their rights to facilities time.

Employers are also required to provide appropriate training and development opportunities for trade union representatives to enable them to undertake their roles effectively. Furthermore, employers must ensure that employees are aware of partnership working arrangements and the role of trade unions in the workplace.

Employee Benefits

The Partnership and Facilities Time Agreement benefits employees by providing a framework for partnership working and ensuring that employees are supported in accessing facilities time. The Agreement recognises the value of trade union activities and the role of trade unions in representing employees in the workplace.

Employees can benefit from facilities time by accessing training and development opportunities that support their personal and professional development. Employees can also be represented by trade union representatives who can ensure that their views and concerns are heard by management.


The Partnership and Facilities Time Agreement 2014 is an important document that sets out the framework for partnership working between employers and employees. The Agreement recognises the value of trade union activities and provides guidance on how employees can access facilities time to undertake trade union duties and activities. The Agreement also requires employers to make a commitment to partnership working and to support employees in accessing facilities time. Overall, the Partnership and Facilities Time Agreement aims to create a positive and inclusive workplace culture that enhances service delivery and employee wellbeing.

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